Pierô Ciceron
Hillariouse French break disco funk 7" |
c'est pas carré
ou la recette du tube disco / Chanson
biffteck Orig 1977 single on French Barclay
Fantastic little French exploito funk disco single, come his his
ultra turntablism fetish picture sleeve
Record=EX Cover=M- Label=M-

French Disco Funk B-Boy Break Promo copy! |
Ciceron' C'Est Pas Carré Ou La recette Du Tube Disco / Long Version Orig 1977 single on French Barclay 62.363
Classic French B-Boy Disco funk, rarer promotional issue, out from radio archive, aside stamp and radio sticker its in stunning condition.
Record=EX+ Cover=EX-(stamp & archive sticker)Label=M-/VG++(sticker)


Pierre Justin
Madagascar Afro organ drum break |
marovolo / Tsarovy migna aro Orig 197? single on Madagascan
Kaiamba KAM-214
South after Madagascan single, amazing picture sleeve issue, play
an odd afro trippy repetitive organ sound with some interesting
drum break sections. come in fine condition for this country ..
Record=VG++ Cover=EX-(stamp) Label=EX-


French obscure Private pop funk single |
Soleil d'or / Comme
un gosse Orig 197? single on French Melody Rivorga PS 4948
French obscure French pop synthé funk direction, out as
Record=EX- Cover=EX Label=M-


Latin Disco French press sleeve 7" |
Porto Rico
/ El tipico amor
Orig 1975 single on French Philips
French issue, latin Disco
Record=EX- Cover=EX- Label=M-


Piot Paul Rare
Private French library funk groove single |
Orig 197? single on French Jeunes Loups
Brilliant French library single on on very teeny label!
Cover=M- Label=M-


Obscure Progressive pop-sike - French pic |
Piranas / Altiplano
Orig early 70s single on French Barclay
Peruvian progressive folk sike, rare French picture sleeve.
Cover=VG++ Label=M-


Rare German picture sleeve - Funk NM! |
it all back home / Let
me lay my funk on you Orig 1975 single on German Bellaphon
Very good Funk single hot break and nice vocal, come with a rare
German picture sleeve in Near mint condition!
Record=EX+ Cover=EX+ Label=M-


Pop instrumental de France
French library funk psych single |
/ La danse des squelettes Orig 1971 single on French Vogue Label.
Classic Exploito french single feat Laurent Petitgirard, great
instrument psych funk with good break, strings links and fine organ
Record=EX Cover=EX Label=M-


Popp André
French lounge latin Jazz groove library EP |
Le chants de l'été / L'amour que tu m'as donné / Coeurs perdus / La plus simple chanson Orig 196? EP on French Vogue EPL.8065
Tuff to find this early EP realise play lounge easy with latin vibes and nice nice touch, vinyl has some hairlines causing some minimal background noise, nothing that bas, label got a tear from stiker removed sleeve is in great shape!
Record=VG+ Cover=M- Label=EX/VG (sticker removed w/tear)


Pops Mary
German Kraut female psych pop drums! |
Wir wollen frieden / Taussende
menschen Orig 1969? single on German Resco 78 018
I was very happy to discover this little obscure German Krautpop
lolita recording, pretty south after, still very unknown..
Record=VG++ Cover=VG++ Label=M-


Pop stars (Les)
French soundtrack funk library Break groove 7" |
OST " Par ici la monnaie " : Starlight / Musique
suspense Orig 1974 single on French Delphine Disc'Az
Classic and essential French library soundtrack groove single
Record=VG+ Cover=VG++ Label=M-


Pop strings
Switzerland Beatles cover Baroque EP |
The murderers of the Queen'es Beatles - Maxwell's silver hammer
/ Eleanor
Rigby / When
I'm sixty four / Yesterday Orig 1969? EP on Switzerland Private
Instrumental combo from Switzerland, interesting Beatles cover
version in classic baroque way, come in dreamy condition!!
Record=M- Cover=M- Label=M-


Poupougne et Chloë + Les Simplets
Rare French scat groove 7" 69 Aka Les Charlots!! |
sous la douche Orig 1969 single on French Vogue
Very cool French late 60s groove 7 ", Feat Les Charlots,
use to be sold out for a little fortune some years ago belong Baby
chorus Jacques Hendrix etc
, here is an affordable copy ! With
the voice of Rinaldi on the flip side (R.I.P) peace to him..
Record=VG++ Cover=VG+(water damage) Label=M-


Pourcel Frank French
Library groove big brass Mod Organ Strings 60s EP |
Pop' strings : Delphine
au palladium /
Deux aspirines pour le sheriff / Casse
toi la tête sur mon tambour / Cette
guerre qui n'en finit pas Orig 1966? EP on French La Voix de
son maitre EGF 875
Probably the grooviest EP by Pourcel, here is it in a stunning
condition, tuff to find!
Record=EX Cover=M- Label=M-


Pourcel Franck
French lounge Exotic arabic strings percu EP |
Mosaïque Orientale - Leïla
/ Zomoroda / Habib
Elomr / Nougoum
elleïl Orig 196 ? EP on French Pathé
Very nice intrumental extotic lounge EP come in brilliant condition!
Record=M- Cover=M- Label=M-


Powell Baden
Latin jazz bossa instru EP |
Samba triste
/ Berceuse a jussara / Adagio / Samba
en preludio Orig 1965? EP on French Barclay 70 736
Classic latin jazz his1st French EP.
Record=VG++ Cover=EX- Label=M-


Prince George
Jazz Groove French EP |
The Swinging Preacher / 5/4 Time / Mr. Kool / Dardanelle Orig 1963 EP on French Présence Mondiale ESRF 1412
Record=VG++ Cover=EX Label=M-


Pulse 3
Massiera prod? French Disco cosmic Glam single |
Love trip / Ring
the bell Orig 197? single on French Carrere
Brilliant Disco funk single, great female chorus with fender play
and a bit of heavy guitars and groovy Moog!
Record=EX- Cover=EX Label=M-


Pultek Men
French vocal Groove phantom single |
Faut Ski Faut / Kenavo Orig 1969? single on French Polydor 66 608
Simply Mega Rare French groove obscurity, not very much infoes available about it . Great arichive condition copy!
Record=EX+ Cover=EX-(stamp and sticker removed on back) Label=EX-(archive sticker)


Puterflam Claude
French Latin pop 70s |
Reviens mon corps te regrette / Chanson
subversive Orig 1975 single on French Flamophone
Rare French mid 70s synthé Latin pop single.
Record=EX- Cover=EX-(stamp) Label=M-


Puthli Asha US
female Disco funk French pic |
/ Instru
Orig 1977 single on German CBS S 5075
French pic, US disco funk.
Record=EX- Cover=VG++ Label=M-


Quartet de Lyon (Le) French
groovy proggy sike 7" |
L'hivers et l'été / Ding
ding dong Orig 1971? single on French Disc'Az SG 354
Very nice little French proggy psych single, great condition copy!
Record=EX+ Cover=EX+ Label=M-


Quartetto radar
Rare Italian scat jazz popcorn vocal |
du du - da da / Buonasera Orig 196? single on Cgd N 9453
Very rare Italian early/Mid 60s Jazz scat vocal popcorn mod, originally
usued for a child T.V program.
Record=EX Cover=VG++(little discoloration stain on front) Label=M-


Quinta Faccia (La)
Italian freakbeat Psych groove ! |
uomo Orig 197? single on Italian Euro Records EUR 005
Killer Italian Progressive mod dancer, I do love this single very
much, strong breaks and moody soulish Italian vocal, with Fuzz riffs
and organ material.
Record=EX Cover=EX Label=M-


Great Latin bossa Polish EP |
co to byl za slub / Dalekie
kraje / Tylko
w snach / Sen
ogrodow Orig 1966? EP on Polish Pronit
Ultra rare and nearly impossible to get this EP in great shape,
here is a chance to don't miss, since on this EP you have a great
female Jazz bossa track, it's better to get it clean as possible.
Record=EX- Cover=EX Label=M-


Rabbath François
French Cinematic EP |
La Guerre Et La Paix : 1er mouvement / 2ème mouvement / 3ème mouvement / 4ème mouvement Orig 1971 EP on French Moshe-Naïm MN 22 005
Feat the cool 5 pages multifold cover. Play free Jazz, classic screan mixture.
Record=EX- Cover=EX Label=M-


Rachid Kemal et ses Ottomans
Oriental Exotica titty-shaker late 50s EP |
/ Mustapha / Saada
conga / Le
chat du chah Orig 195? EP on French Philips Deluxe 424.183 PE
Always a ave exotica oriental titty-shaker, amazing 4 tracks,
very addictive early stuff, what a sleeve..
Record=VG Cover=VG+ Label=M-


Radice Mark Groovy
Funky rock Mod vocal French Pic |
Hey, my love / Your
love is like fire Orig 1972 single on French Paramount 2C 006.93.854
Realy hard to see this rare French picture sleeve single, play
a super cool funk rock number, stunning condition copy here!
Record=EX Cover=EX+ Label=M-


Rakotoarivelo Trippy Island vocal groove psych 7" |
Le mama / Kabarinareo
Orig 197? single on Madagascan Discomad COM-3926
Impossible rare single, play a crossover afro groove sound, come
with an amazing picture sleeve!
Record=VG+ Cover=EX-(stamp) Label=M-/VG+(tear)


Madagascar single Afro synthé vocal |
Disco ianao / Vaon'ala
Orig 1976 single on Madagascaran Discomad 466 809
Mega rare and obscure Madagascan Afro vocal sike with organ link,
and drum break and guitar sund moments, play with few clics at the
Record=VG++ Cover=VG++ Label=VG++(name)
